Post-Natal Hair Loss
What Causes Post-Natal Hair Loss?
That post-natal period after delivering a baby can revolve around recovering from stitches, pumping and breastfeeding, disrupted sleep at night… Hair loss can be the cherry on the cake that makes this period a lot more stressful. Unfortunately, post-natal hair loss in Singapore is a very common occurrence. Did you know that during the first few weeks after delivery, hairs have a higher chance of entering the shedding phase, and reach about 30% on average after 9 weeks? This explains why post-natal hair loss is most obvious 2-4 months after childbirth, continuing up to even 24 weeks!
What changes from pregnancy – where hair is thick and strong – to the post-partum period where shedding occurs is the decline of female hormones that nurture the growth of life (and hair!) during pregnancy. When birth happens and the level of hormones decline, hairs lose those protective effects, leading to a form of telogen effluvium and affecting a woman psychologically and emotionally.
Our doctors are able to assess your medical history and perform a scalp examination to confirm the diagnosis of post-natal hair loss, and to identify any other medical conditions contributing to hair loss.
Scroll to see different causes
of Post-Natal Hair Loss
Hair Loss
- How Do I Stop Post-Natal Hair Loss?
- How Long Will It Take For Me To Recover From Post-Natal Hair Loss?
- Will Post-Natal Hair Loss Become Permanent?
- Should I Seek Treatment For Post-Natal Hair Loss?
Post-natal hair loss is considered a normal part of recovery. There is no proven way to prevent it from happening, BUT there are ways to encourage hair growth and prevent excessive hair loss.
- Stay Calm – Don’t stress yourself out over post-partum hair loss. Know that it is a natural process where full recovery is possible. Unlike female pattern hair loss that can be genetic, post-natal hair loss rarely leads to complete baldness.
- Self-Care – Don’t forget to take care of yourself while you take care of your baby! To be at the best state for providing for your child, you need to provide for yourself as well. As much as you can, take in wholesome foods through vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables, as well as good fatty acids (walnuts, fish, flax seeds etc.) to repair your body.
- Seek Help – This means seeking support for taking care of your baby from loved ones, and seeking the help of a professional doctor to assess your hair loss. Don’t let mom guilt stop you from reaching out for help!
3-4 months after delivery is the average duration of time where hair loss peaks, and can continue for a few more months. By your baby’s first birthday (12 months) is when most women regain back normal hair growth. The duration of time to recover really depends on how long it takes for your hormone levels to balance out, and how long it takes the hair cycle to reset (to move from telogen/shedding phase into the active growth phase).
After 12 months, if hair shedding continues OR hair shedding stops but does not begin to grow back it’s volume or density, a consultation should be arranged with a hair loss doctor. Something else may be causing your hair to fall out. Aside from prolonged stress and lack of sleep from child-caring, post-partum women can lose hair for many reasons and an accurate diagnosis is essential for effective treatment. Prolonged hair loss can lead to chronic telogen effluvium, which requires professional help. It may not become permanent, but leaving it for too long will not help either.
Don’t leave hair growth up to chance. Coming in for a scalp assessment or treatments as early as 1-2 months post-partum is perfectly fine for your health and recovery. Post-natal hair loss is a reversible condition if identified early and treated appropriately.
Our certified hair loss professionals at Terra Medical aim to restore your hair follicles from the telogen shedding phase to the growth phase, which helps to prevent progression of hair loss into a chronic or permanent stage. Our doctors are able to recommend a combination of in-clinic scalp treatments (and you can take this time as an opportunity for self-care!), as well as home-based topical solutions to help control post-natal hair loss in Singapore.
Post-partum hair loss can be an aggravating condition, but it is usually easily treated. Contact one of our hair growth professionals for an assessment today!
Treatments Available
for Post-Natal Hair Loss
At Terra Medical
- Hair Transplant
- Terra Scalpboosters
- Autologous Micrograft Transfer
- Low Level Laser Light
- Hair Supplements
Hair transplantation is considered the only permanent solution to hair loss, with an average 90% success rate. Not just reserved for the hair on your scalp, hair transplantation techniques can also be used for facial hair and to fill in scarred bald patches from traumatic injuries.
Terra Scalpboosters aim to ‘boost’ your scalp health by injecting a specially concocted cosmeceutical formulation paired with a superior cell-membrane activation technology to stimulate your hair follicles into growing faster, stronger, and healthier. Read on more to find out what it’s all about!
“Autologous Micrograft Transfer” treatment procedure offers a lot of great benefits, which makes this therapy an effective and safe one. One such benefit is that it has minimal downtime! Unlike hair transplant surgery where you may need to set aside 5-7 days before being able to continue most of your daily activities, you will be able to walk out the door right into the next thing on your schedule after a Autologous Micrograft Transfer treatment.
There have been many reviews and studies done on the safety and efficacy of low-level laser light therapy in men and women experiencing hair loss. When the wavelengths of light penetrate the scalp, it stimulates the stem cells that help to ‘communicate’ to the hair follicles for increasing hair growth. The low-level laser also increases blood flow and production of ATP, an energy-carrying molecule found in the cells of all living things, and metabolic processes in the cell to deliver more nutrients and oxygen which stimulate faster hair growth. We call this ‘activating’ the hair follicles.
Terra Medical offers array of hair supplements that are clinically proven to improve your hair health. Do ensure to consult our medical practioner if you’re unclear of which to take for optimal improvement.
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